Louise de Lima

Sometimes layers, sometimes just a simple mark can define a place, a memory or a feeling.  Louise de Lima’s work explores the transience in our lives. How we can live separately and yet are inexorably linked by the simplest and yet most profound experiences. The passing of time that none of us can escape. The light and dark, strength and vulnerability that touches us all. 

As an artist, photography was Louise’s medium for more than 20 years and it felt like a natural progression for her to move towards painting. Using abstraction as her way to communicate has allowed her to get in touch with a different part of herself. Unlike her work as a photographer, where she developed her narrative working alongside a model, painting has given Louise the freedom to work alone, providing her with a different kind of space in which to express herself.

For Louise, painting is the letting go of the definite, of trying to control the outcome, but allowing for the unexpected, the joy of new discoveries.

“…live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer” Rainer Maria Rilke from Letters to a Young Poet.

For further information on pricing and availability for Louisa’s work, please contact [email protected]

